
Read below to understand our perspective on website legalese. Read HERE and HERE for our full policy on privacy and terms of service. is published by

EC Proof Pte. Ltd.
55 South Bridge Road, #03-01
Singapore 058686

Please respect copyrights

All text, images, graphics, audio files, video files, animations, etcetera, found on our website are subject to copyright protection. Copying any of this material and using it for your own purposes is most likely illegal and it is certainly not cool. So don’t do it! If you can’t live without doing so, write us an email explaining exactly what material you are interested in and what your specific intention is. We will do our best to consider your request with an open mind and/or direct you to the copyright holder who gave us permission to use such material.

Please respect trademarks

Most if not all of the brands and logos used on ourwebsite are legally protected trademarks. Both the law and good common sense dictate that these brands and logos may not be used without prior consent of the trademark holder. People put their hearts, souls, years of their lives, and buckets of cash into developing brands and logos of value. Put yourself in their shoes – respect their brands and logos by not using them without their permission.

Using this website is not a license

We aim to offer you an innovative, informative, and life enhancing Internet experience. In fact, we have put countless hours into building this little place we call EC Proof Pte Ltd with those aims in mind. We do this out of hope for shared success. Still, we must point out that because building such a website involves considerable expenditure of resources, we must take measures to protect our intellectual property and note that this website in no way gives you license rights to the intellectual property of EC Proof Pte. Ltd.

Sound fair?

We think so. We hope you do too.